How to Identify Credit Risks with Voice AI Technology

For many financial institutions, consumer credit risk is the biggest risk on their balance sheets. This is underscored by the reality that credit risk is the biggest cause of bank failures, according to Van Greuning and Bratanovik of the World Bank. To effectively manage credit risk – specifically consumer credit risk – companies in banking […]

AI technology in finance: from concept to implementation

In a world of increasing data volume, managing spreadsheets and numbers is becoming more and more complex. Today’s finance organization needs a new set of tools to keep up with this fast-paced development. Enter AI technology.  In this blog post, we present insights taken from Gartner’s webinar on the AI-Forward Finance Organization while exploring more on […]

Large language models and the power of generative AI

Last 05 April 2023, WIZ.AI hosted a live webinar with four thought leaders in the artificial intelligence space. Moderated by Yusi Chen, Vice-President of GGV Capital, the hour-long session gathered insights from AI Singapore‘s Senior Director Leslie Teo, Advance Intelligence Group‘s Chief Technology Officer Zhen Wang, and WIZ.AI’s Chairman and co-founder Jianfeng Lu. Below are highlights of the […]

Your questions on ChatGPT and generative AI

ChatGPT, DALL-E and other generative AI solutions are taking the internet by storm. These developments can redefine how we work and create – but for someone who is unfamiliar with AI technology, taking a step into the world of artificial intelligence may seem overwhelming, if not confusing. In this article, we’ll cover some of the […]

Fintech: Utilizing AI to assist the growth of Peer-to-peer Lending

Fintech peer-to-peer lending (also known as p2p or p2pl) is all the hype in Southeast Asia right now. The region is populated by more than 650 million people, who mostly do not have access to proper banking or financial services, making peer-to-peer lending a welcomed financial safety net, especially in countries such as Indonesia, Singapore, […]